Return Policy

Return Policy

If the product delivery is short supplied from your online order or if you receive different product/s that is not a part of your online order for which you have made full payment or if the product is delivered to you in a damaged condition, you may kindly inform Askmatic Vision Pvt Ltd Support Team with reasonable evidence within 24 hours from the receipt of delivery. You may call any of the Askmatic Vision Pvt Ltd Support Team mobile numbers as mentioned on the web site to report such an incident and if the contact fails, drop in an email to about the exact nature of your complaint and our executives will get in touch with you and explain the procedure to exchange the products.

However, Askmatic Vision Pvt Ltd does not take responsibility for loss of product / theft during the transit.

If the products are in either a damaged condition or wrong products are delivered, you must return the products to Askmatic Vision Pvt Ltd. In such cases, the cost of returning the product will be borne by Askmatic Vision Pvt Ltd. Replaced products will be dispatched to you within 7 working days. Kindly note, discrepancies that are not reported beyond 24 hours from the time of delivery will not be considered for exchange.